マクロビオティック クッキングスクールリマ

Private lesson You can take the Macrobiotic lessons in English and other languages

Cooking School

A macrobiotic meal offers nutritious dishes prepared with bounties of nature, usually consisting of brown rice and other whole grains, seasonal vegetables, beans and sea vegetables. Rich in nourishment and healing properties, each dish is savored with gratitude.

Pioneer in Macrobiotic Food

Nippon C.I. Foundation was instituted in 1957 by a Japanese philosopher George Ohsawa (1893-1966). Since its inception, the organization has been presenting the macrobiotic way of life with a liberating and enjoyable approach through publications, events and cooking classes.Lima, George Ohsawa’s wife, founded the cooking school in 1965 to share her wisdom. LIMA is the oldest macrobiotic cooking school in Japan.

Yukikazu Sakurazawa


Using seasonings such as salt, miso and soy sauce made in a traditional manner, seasonal and locally sourced ingredients are prepared while ensuring an optimal yin-yang balance. At LIMA, classes focus on teaching a healthy way of life through diet based on a wide range of topics, from cooking with vegetables from top to bottom to preparing food-based remedies.

Rima Sakurazawa


Free of Animal-Derived
Ingredients and
Refined Sugar

The ingredients used in classes are free of any kind of animal-derived ingredients, including meat, fish, eggs and dairy, as well as refined sugar. The macrobiotic dishes are suitable for vegans/vegetarians, people with allergies and those interested in weight-loss.

Original courses that can be customized
with the content and time of your choice

We will guide you through the lesson menu according to your desired budget.
Some online courses and courses with interpreters are also available.
Recommended number of students: 1 to 10
Also recommended for company welfare programs
Please feel free to contact us for more information. Course fee: about 60,000-100,000 yen / for 10 students
Price varies depending on course content and menu.

  • curriculum
  • curriculum

List of courses held in the past

  • Soba noodle making course

    ※With Korean interpreter
    7 students
    Fee 11,000 yen/person

  • Gluten-free Stollen

    About 35 people,(2 sessions)
    ※As part of a corporate welfare program

  • Macrobiotic Chinese Cooking

    8 students
    Fee 10,000 yen/person

The content of the 1-day lesson can also be taught as a private lesson.

Please refer to the 1-day lesson page for more details.

1-day lesson

Basic I & II can be taken as private lessons

You can take the Basic I & II lessons at your convenient time with your friends. Private lessons can also be arranged to be gluten-free or to exclude specific allergies. We can also arrange lessons in English or with an interpreter.

We also recommend the following courses

  • ●Seasonal Macrobiotic Cooking

  • ●French cuisine

  • ●Italian

  • ●Chinese

  • ●Osechi Cooking

  • ●Japanese Sweets

  • ●Childcare Courses

  • ●Seasonal Handmade Courses (making pickled plums, miso, etc.)

  • ●Basic I & II review

  • ●Macrobiotic theory (classroom lecture)

※Some courses are available online

Click here for application and inquiry